Thursday, July 29, 2004

Citrus – The Ethnic Australian Icon

By Toni Salter - The Veggie Lady

"Just about every second property in Australia would have at least one citrus tree, albeit in a dubious state of vigour.  What a great legacy our early European-Australians brought for us all to enjoy.  Yet, their horticultural heritage has not necessarily been passed on down through the generations, with many of the “younger generation” pursuing academic and professional careers that their forefathers were not privileged to experience.  Meanwhile, we’ve lost some of that family know-how when it comes to looking after the rogue citrus tree that we discover with joy when we move into our newly purchased first home.

“What the heck am I going to do with this thing?” we ask after we taste the shrivelled, bitter and tough results of our neglect.

Don’t be put off!!! And don’t be tempted to dig it up to make room for the planned pergola or “outdoor extension”.

Citrus are really very easy to maintain.  And with a bit of work now you’ll have the best tasting oranges and lemons in the neighbourhood.  Guaranteed!  I remember transforming a 14 year old, fully neglected navel orange tree at the bottom of a garden in South Hurstville into the juiciest, sweetest orange I’ve ever tasted.  It was so laden with oranges that neighbours all about were able to enjoy its fruit as a goodwill gesture from its owner..."

Full article at:
Veggie Lady website: